"The sanctity of my house, home and family had been violated and my warm sense of security... shattered. This was a dark and sinister horror I would later come to realize had been my nemesis for most of my beleaguered life."
"Finally he looked up and with a shudder asked, 'What do you think would happen to us if somehow we got too close to finding out the possibly incriminating truth that a few fat-cat military personnel were setting up the civilian faction of this country and most likely planet as a herd of exploitable cattle in some sort of deal they made with alien invaders to maintain an aloof and possessive position of power over this planet, perhaps even the solar system?'"
"Kyle was deep in thought and before he attempted a response to my question, he stopped me in the hallway and put his fingers to his lips issuing a barely audible, 'Hush!' As I stood there, holding my breath listening for even the tiniest tell-tale clue as to why we must maintain a silent vigil in the darkened hallway I became keenly aware of an unfamiliar, sonorous murmur that resonated through the very fabric of the floorboards. Kyle and I turned to each other, our faces reflecting the stunned confusion aroused by this peculiar development.
'Kyle!' I gasped, 'They're here! Oh my God! They've come for us!'"
"Our enlisted, snorting studs in uniform, bluster their way through the quagmire of bad press and disparaging publicity, heralding their self-proclaimed supremacy over civilian concerns in the guise of national security. What they are really doing behind their multi-reinforced, top secret, lofty-level doors, one can only begin to imagine, but you can be rest assured it has nothing to do with the enforcement of law and order and abolishment of planet-wide poverty."