Your Voice


Candace and I have spent well over a decade digging and dredging for the facts on UFO sightings and alien abductions, however elusive, and continue to be frustrated with the brow beating, debunking cowboys who would prefer to slam dunk into the black hole of ignorance every notion, concept and possible theory of the who, what, when, where, why, and how these 'visitors' have become so entrenched in our already exhaustively complicated existence.

We are entering into an era of even greater chaos without answers than Humans have ever experienced since we first learned to walk. The authors of Chimera are very concerned that the voice of the civilian faction has, up until now, been considered little more than a mere whisper in the howling wind of misrepresentation and convolution. After visiting many of the related web sites to this topic we observed most of them to be informative, speculative and for the most part, highly opinionated, and of course, several of these sites are a visual feast, BUT, not enough attention has been paid to what you, the web cruiser has to say about the myriad of topics, fact or fiction, orbiting the central issues of who the hell 'they' are and why 'they' are here!

Candace and I want to hear what you have to say about Aliens, Visitors, UFOs, Abductions, and whatever else comes to mind related to these topics, i.e., the military involvement from Roswell on, books you have read, movies you have seen and web sites you have visited. We are convinced that some of you out there have some pretty interesting and incredibly profound thoughts on the issue but have yet to participate openly, without concern for being shouted down by the yahoos who call themselves experts. None of us are experts. We are all digging fruitlessly to discover 'the riddle of the Sphinx', including those people who are convinced they have all the answers.

Saturation is a dangerous thing. It can overwhelm the clarity necessary for properly visualizing the outcome of a very complicated puzzle. It is our suggestion that before you continue on your course of discovery, you stop to breath in the wealth of information already accumulated in your search and allow your psyche to sift, sort and for the most part digest that which you have found to be worthy of memory.

Tell us what you think the most important questions are and your deepest concerns about the most probable, mind-blowing answers. Chimera One is dedicated to treating all responses as valuable input in our quest for the truth and after consolidating the most serious responses to this web page we will publish them in the hopes of fueling a change from our current path of circles.

Talk to us.






