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The Universe can be likened to a Dreamer.
In the beginning of the night when you first fall asleep your mind engages in lengthy periods of deep sleep. These periods are punctuated by moments of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep - which is not very deep and easy to wake from. As the night progresses however, the duration of each flips, so that by the early morning before you wake, your mind is engaged in ever greater periods of REM sleep, and fewer moments of deep sleep. It is during the REM periods that your mind is mired in the dream state and when people most often report vivid dreams.
Notice then that when you fall asleep, for all intents and purposes you cease to exist - at least as far as you are aware. What I mean to say is, your mind is no longer active. So when you start dreaming, it is in a disconnected state. There is little to no recognition of who you are.
How often have you awakened from a dream only to find yourself saying, "That's not me, I would never do that?" This is because your mind is wandering on its own, virtually disconnected from your underlying consciousness. It is free to come up with whatever it can imagine. You probably have noticed that although things may seem logical in the dream state, when you awaken you realize that the course of the dream was mainly nonsensical - jumping from one thought to the next without any umbilicus of logic, and that although time seems to flow at a regular pace, in real time it is actually blindingly quick.
In fact as the night progresses the situation begins to worsen. Logic degrades, sensibilities evaporate, and sanity flies right out the window. So much so that at the moment you awake in the morning, you can sometimes feel your brain saying “Enough!”
The mind has awakened from its state of madness and finally achieved clarity - the real world you know when you are awake. This is a simple metaphor for how the evolution of the Universe can be explained. On a primordial level Universal Consciousness is like the dreamer moving (seemingly) haphazardly along without any clear sense of direction.
Now this seems like a paradox since creation is highly complex and perfect at the same time. How can something seemingly disconnected spawn perfection? Hence the human desire for a creator figure. It does not make sense to most people to have such perfection without an even more impressive mind behind it all. But that is the crux and ultimate mystery of the Universe - how it unfolds without an omnipresent hand to direct it. In fact the inner guide of consciousness is always present, and due to the nature of consciousness - its completeness - is the reason why it manifests creation so perfectly.
But that is not the end of the story. Remember that the dreamer eventually awakens. The dreamer is both one and many. The dreamer is you. Few of us have awakened from the dream, but for those few, the realization has been that they themselves are the creator. They finally, truly, and knowingly recognize it. Within them is Universal Consciousness. That is true awareness and is available only to sentient beings (or greater) who have the gift of reason. I say “or greater” because I do not believe there is a limit to sentience. It approaches infinity (which is limitless).
Ultimately, the light of creation is a level of awareness where Universal consciousness is rejoicing in its own wonderful expression of creativity and capability. This is where the Spirit is found.
This is the true nature of the universe then - the drive to achieve awareness. It is an endless quest that leads us down the road of insanity until we finally say "Enough! I want to be sane!" And that is where sanity truly comes from. Do not look for it in the mind - it
is capable of indescribable horrors, but only when disconnected from consciousness. When consciousness - or the Heart - is not heard, madness takes control. Only the Heart can provide sanity. It is the true source of wisdom.
- Silverwolf Truthseeker
Phoenix |
Silverwolf |
Trinity |
The Infinite One |
Who You Are |
Awareness |
A Big Bang? |
Creation |
The Inner Spirit |
Who You Are |
Awareness |
A Big Bang? |
Creation |