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The Big Bang is a dud. Why? Because that's not how consciousness works. To understand the makings of the Universe one was must also understand Universal Consciousness. Anyone who seeks to understand one subject cannot do so without embracing the other. This is why Scientists and Theologians fail to find what they are searching for until they embrace both matters equally. Einstein came very close to realizing his dream of a Unified Field Theory because he was always willing to philosophize on the nature of the Universe. So in that light, let's look at how creation springs forth from Universal Consciousness and then we can understand how the Universe is manifest and whether or not it is the result of a "big bang".

Universal Consciousness is the formless driver of all creation. Call it God if you will but it has no identity except through its creation. And you cannot have something from nothing, so the created Universe is a product of this underlying consciousness. I find it interesting the Big Bang Theorists can speculate on how all matter started from a single massive explosion, but don't dare explain where the source of that supposed explosion came from. One must flow from the other. Consciousness manifests creation, and thus creation defines consciousness, giving it meaning. Without the conscious expression of creation, consciousness would not exist. Furthermore, Big Bang theorists seem to fail to recognize the importance of space itself, or the so-called vacuum. For a finite amount of matter to be speeding progressively outward, it must do so through an infinite amount of space. Seems paradoxical doesn't it. But that might suffice only if space were truly nothing, which as Einstein noted it is not. It is something. But that will be explained in another essay.

Since creation is a natural manifestation of underlying consciousness, consciousness is not bound by time, and therefore, time is a constraint of the Universe and not the reverse. Time is a property of creation, but it does not encapsulate creation. This is because consciousness is timeless. It has always been and will always be but only because we as humans can conceive of it in no other way. A good example of an intellectual and spiritualist, the Sidewalk Astronomer John Dobson would explain how time is merely a reflection of the amount of "space". The greater the space in between, the greater the time difference.

Furthermore, consciousness has no limits. There is no end to which consciousness can find expression. There will always be more to know. Always more which can be imagined. And bear in mind that it makes no difference what your perspective of consciousness is. It is all one and the same. It is not unique. Your consciousness is not your own. Yes, it is unique to you in how you perceive it, but it does not belong to you because it is present in all things.

So we can naturally see then that creation which springs forth from an unlimited timeless Universal Consciousness must itself be without beginning, without end, and without limits. It is infinite in both time and space. Therefore there was no big bang which supposedly started it all.

But can this really be, considering most modern day astrophysics and cosmology is based upon this concept of a big bang? Yes. There are many physicists who are beginning to question the merits of such a theory. It should be interesting to note that Edwin Hubble who observed the increasing Red Shift of galaxies away from our own, never accepted the theory of the big bang. He was a true scientist because despite his observations the facts never added up to a big bang being the source of those observations.

Light has electromagnetic qualities (which is why Einstein referred to light as photonic). It exhibits the properties of a particle with an exceptionally small mass. Light is remarkable because it illuminates our Universe, yet at the same time in the darkest depths of space where it is apparently invisible, it is in fact saturating space. Light from all galaxies in our infinite Universe from all directions are continually streaming light in all directions. You may not see it unless looking directly at a burning object like a star, but it's always there in every smallest point of space. Infinite intersecting light waves from every possible direction. It's called background radiation, which is not in fact the remnant signature of a big bang. It's the base reference frame at which light achieves its least significant impact on space time. For this reason the Universe is an infinite lens. Light continually impacting light. Electromagnetic interference. Over comparatively small distances such as thousands of light years the effect is barely noticeable. But over greater distances, such as billions of light years, the Red Shift caused by this lensing effect becomes exponentially more noticeable. So what appear to be galaxies speeding away from us is merely the visual effect of light travel through space time.

Yes the Universe is in motion. No question. But it is not in motion in one direction outward as postulated by the big bang, but in all directions. This is why we have great chains of galaxies which took hundreds of billions of years to form. The Universe has no top, no bottom, no sides and no edge. It is infinite in all directions, and therefore infinite in time also without a beginning or an end. Just like Consciousness.

- Silverwolf Truthseeker