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In a nutshell... you are an identity of consciousness. But what is consciousness? It is not merely the thoughts inside your head, nor the Descartes concept of "I think, therefore I am", but rather "I know, therefore I am".
Usually when people think of consciousness they think of the mind's recognition of oneself, and no doubt, that can be considered a form of consciousness. However, consciousness in the truest sense is Universal consciousness. Phoenix refers to it as the "Cosmic Computer".
Whatever you choose to call it there is only “One” Consciousness. Each one of us interpret it in our own unique way but it does not belong to just humans. Even lesser intelligences interpret consciousness. Insects may have simple intelligence yet they still interpret consciousness in their own unique way.
Consciousness is shared by all of creation and in the simplest terms is “knowing” or “awareness”. This sense of knowing comes from an inexplicable and non-definable place. Everything else is derived from it, and hence follows it. Therefore, you know before you think. And that knowing is shared by all things, even the non sentient ones, even though those things are incapable of recognizing that fact... at least on our evolved level. A baby will know immediately, before the neural pathways of the brain have even begun to take form. In fact, that knowing "informs" the brain on its natural course of evolution.
You can try to reason out that the mind is the origin of awareness - but it is not. It is merely another expression of that underlying awareness, albeit a very sophisticated one. In fact our brains are the first step in the evolutionary process which allow us to achieve the awareness of consciousness. And when you achieve that state you will realize this is true. You will "know" this is true. When you think about it, you "know" that you exist, but you will find it difficult to explain that sense of knowing when you ponder it deeply. And it's not just knowing that you exist. It's a feeling of recognition that cannot be defined or articulated. It's knowing that you know. Like water circling a drain on its way down you can come up with all kinds of words and notions about it, but never really penetrate the heart of it, because in the center of that drain (metaphorically speaking) there is no water, but a hole in which the water rotates about as it descends. That hole is empty of definition, as is consciousness.
Everything in creation are layers of identity, from atoms right on up to infinity, or the light of creation. Identity built upon identity. You yourself are layers and layers of identities. And that encapsulation in itself can be considered a single identity. But all your identities, as well as all other's... atoms, molecules, plants, the trees, your dog or cat, your neighbor, are all identities born from the same source... the same awareness. Identity is a seemingly unique construct where separation from other identities is perceived. This separation is non existent on the consciousness level, since separation can only be described in relation to form. And yet form and identity are inevitable as the complement of consciousness.
Consciousness, or "the knowing", is considered the unformed, and everything else form. In other words identity is form. The formlessness is empty of anything you can try to apply to it. It is simply "knowing" and nothing more. The great "Unknown" is what comes from formlessness. But these dual aspects of life are not mutually exclusive. You cannot speak of one without speaking of the other. Consciousness is not lacking like an identity which seeks more, and yet it cannot help but find expression through form and identity. The ancient Chinese so aptly recognize this pictorially through the yin and yang. To recognize light, you need dark to contrast it. To understand there is silence, you must have experienced sound.
From another perspective, consciousness has no identity. It is not a singularity, yet not a duality either. Do not try to apply any concepts to it other than the feeling of what you "know", or your "awareness". Many religions call this concept "God", and yet God is not a separate entity or "identity", but a non identity, a non form. God is true consciousness, true awareness and it lies in each one of us and every aspect of creation.
But let us get back to the original question of "Who You Are". You are both the inner "knowing" as well as all the identities that form your singular perceived identity. You are light, and energy, and atoms, and molecules, and cells, and organs, and a body, and various mind sets, and experiences, and spirit, and a collective consciousness of super sets of identities like blacks, and whites, and browns, and women, and men, and children, and on and on. In the penultimate expression of form, you are a highly variable and fluid state of identity, ever changing, because the expression of form is never complete but always exploring, discovering ever new ways of finding expression. And there is no limit to that expression, or end, despite some concepts about the so-called limits to our Universe... but more on that later.
- Silverwolf Truthseeker
Phoenix |
Silverwolf |
Trinity |
The Infinite One |
Who You Are |
Awareness |
A Big Bang? |
Creation |
The Inner Spirit |
Who You Are |
Awareness |
A Big Bang? |
Creation |